Software Engineering




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BE Software Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

Which level of CMMM is for process management:-

2 / 25

In which testing level the focus is on customer usage:-

3 / 25

Which is an example of configuration items:-

4 / 25

Human and computers are ______________ in their ability to filter and save information;-

5 / 25

Which can only have sequential access:-

6 / 25

Which is not the example of requirements  problem:-

7 / 25

A computer type , processor, and operating system defines its;-

8 / 25

We can manage state in application using ____________:-

9 / 25

Bluetooth is an example of:-

10 / 25

What should   be  done  in  the  kick  off phase  of  a  formal  review :-

11 / 25

The physical layer concern with;-

12 / 25

Non conformance  to software  requirement  is  known as :-

13 / 25

The letter and number of the  intersecting  column and rows is the:-

14 / 25

How many phases are there  in scrum;-

15 / 25

Which  method  is  used  to  achieve  reliable  system :-

16 / 25

Circumstances  that  have  potential  to  cause  loss  or  harm  is  known as ;

17 / 25

____________ can occur at individual, group, extra organizational level:-

18 / 25

Third generation computer were the first to use integrated activity:-

19 / 25

Which  regression test  selection  technique  exposes fault  caused  by   modification;-

20 / 25

The  spiral model  was   originally   proposed  by  :-

21 / 25

Which methods are used to control the access to an object in multi threaded programming:-

22 / 25

Static  analysis   involves  executing  a  program -;-

23 / 25

Which is the most widely used shell that came with the UNIX system:-

24 / 25

ASP.NET separates the HTML output from program logic using a feature named as:-

25 / 25

The  model  checker  explores  all  possible   paths   through the model ;-

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