History of Islam and Pakistan




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History of Islam & Pakistan Quiz

History of Islam & Pakistan Quiz

1 / 25

___________ was the  native homeland of Hazrat Ibrahin (AS):-

2 / 25

The battle of  Trench  was fought in ;-

3 / 25

Imam Bukhari was a ;-

4 / 25

Al hwarizmi  was a :-

5 / 25

Which city   did the Prophet muhammad   and  his followers   leaves in   order to migrate  to Madina ;-

6 / 25

The city of Fustat was  founded by ;-

7 / 25

When was Hungary  brought  under  ottoman rule ;-

8 / 25

The Lahore Resolution  is also called :-

9 / 25

Banu Qurayzah  , Banu  Qaynuqa  and Banu  Nadir were three tribes of :-

10 / 25

The Holy Quran is generally  printed in:-

11 / 25

The revelation  of the Quran   began with the  words '  Read in the name  of your ____;-

12 / 25

What was the  name of List  Ghazwa  of Holy Prophet   (SAW) :-

13 / 25

Which governor general decided   to make English  as the medium of Instruction in india ;-

14 / 25

Rulers  of Pre Islamic era   were called ;- 

15 / 25

How many time  has the word  Zakat   occurred in the  Holy Quran ;-

16 / 25

Constantinpole  fell into   the hand of Muslim  in ;-

17 / 25

Kabah is situated in the valley of :-

18 / 25

The other name of MASJID e Quba IS  :-

19 / 25

Musa Ibn e  Nusair was the governor of :-

20 / 25

Imam Bukhari hailed from ;-

21 / 25

Name the wife   of Prophet  Muhammad (PBUH) who was  daughter   of Umar Farooq  :-

22 / 25

Marwan was the son of ;-

23 / 25

Al Kamil FIT  TARIKH  was written by ;-

24 / 25

Hazrat Haza accepted  Islam in the year :-

25 / 25

When Sir Stafford   cripps   announced  his formula   to seek the   co operation  between the National  Congress and   Muslim League ;-

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