Education Quiz





Shaheen Leader Academy

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Education Quiz

Education Quiz

1 / 25

Existentialism is   concerned with  developing  individual   character   and morals :-

2 / 25

Reliability is concerned  with the  ____________ of student :-

3 / 25

The basic source of   educational objective is   :-

4 / 25

Affective domain  focuses  o adoption  of a value  system  as a part of life style   in the :-

5 / 25

Informal education has ;-

6 / 25

The famous book 'The Republic' was written by ;-

7 / 25

The best  teacher is one who   take interest   in all round   development   of the student :-

8 / 25

Broad field curriculum is a modification of :-

9 / 25

Prior planning is   characteristics of :-

10 / 25

According to  crow and crow  the purpose of  formal education is to make student   active  and constructive   members  of society:-

11 / 25

Wilhelm Wundt  was ____________ professor :-

12 / 25

The purpose of evaluation is to make :-

13 / 25

How many levels of Dewey's curriculum  ;-

14 / 25

If the scoring    of the test   is not  effected   by any factor  , quality of test   is called ;-

15 / 25

On becoming a teacher ,  you would :-

16 / 25

Curriculum development   refer to the total process of curriculum ;-

17 / 25

Examinations are conducted by   ;-

18 / 25

Improvement of  scores on a post test after  having the pre  test the  threat   affecting   the result  is referred as ;-

19 / 25

Objective related  to the affective  domain is the  :-

20 / 25

Which is not the focal point   of triangular   process  of teaching :-

21 / 25

As people get older , the ability of   applying  attention;-

22 / 25

The difference between  maximum  and minimum  values is ;-

23 / 25

Which educational   philosophy   emphasises the  teacher as   the ultimate authority   and the use of   strict discipline and  structured  lessons;-

24 / 25

Learning means :-

25 / 25

The test measures  what e intend  to measure  .The quality of the test   is called :-

Your score is

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