Political Science Quiz




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Political Science Quiz

Political Science Quiz

1 / 25

Doctrine of  judicial   review  originated in ;-

2 / 25

In parliamentary system  who  presides over the  cabinet  meetings;-

3 / 25

Which is not a   major theme  of new public   administration:-

4 / 25

Who introduced   ' hegemony  ' in  the concept of civil  society :-

5 / 25

The ideology of fascism  emerged in which country :-

6 / 25

No right can be given to the man against   the social  interest :-

7 / 25

The statement that  "A man  without society is either a beast or God ' is attributed to :-

8 / 25

Which one is not a concept of Gandhiji:-

9 / 25

Unicameralism  exists in ;-

10 / 25

According to Aristotle  which is the best  amongst the  prevented  form of the  ideal states:-

11 / 25

The impeachment  trial of President   of USA takes place  in the ;-

12 / 25

Who defined politics as  "the  authoritative  allocation of values that are binding  on the society ";-

13 / 25

Political parties   may be formed  on the basis of :-

14 / 25

_________ is central to the  procedures of the  scientific  method ;-

15 / 25

Under the convention of the law  of the sea, the breadth  of the  territorial  sea is ;-

16 / 25

Who wrote  "New Aspects  of Politics';-

17 / 25

Legislature  of USA is called :-

18 / 25

By fundamental rights , we mean;-

19 / 25

'Euro centrism  ' as the  term for an ideology  was coined  by whom:-

20 / 25

Theorists who believes  that  'state is an association of associations' are  best described as ;-

21 / 25

In Switzerland judges are  elected by  the ------------------:-

22 / 25

The ideology that   considered   the state  as an end   in itself :-

23 / 25

Parliamentary  form of government  first involved in :-

24 / 25

Who classified power of   government  into Legislature  , executive and Federative :-

25 / 25

The first government of US  was based  on the  articles of :-

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