Journalism Test

Journalism MCQs




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Journalism Quiz

1 / 25

Pakistan's  first  official  news  agency  was :-

2 / 25

University of Punjab , Lahore established the first department of journalism in:-

3 / 25

FOLIO is the name of:-

4 / 25

The founder Editor of Nawa e Waqt was:-

5 / 25

What is lithography:-

6 / 25

Yellow  journalism  derived  its name  from an early  comic  character  called :-

7 / 25

Short  wave  frequencies  are  used for radio  communication of  ____________ distance ;--

8 / 25

What is Dummy :-

9 / 25

S.M.C.R is a well known:-

10 / 25

the largest Newspaper of Pakistan is:-

11 / 25

Accredited   journalists  are  the  journalists  having  permission  cards  from the  Home  department  for  press   duties :-

12 / 25

Walter Lipmann's Public  Opinion  reflects  the  early  perception of :-

13 / 25

Identify  the  scale  which  is simply  a  system  of  assigning  numbers  to events :-

14 / 25

The  term' Deck'  is  used  for :-

15 / 25

The "causes and Effects theory" of mass communication was developed by Joseph Klapper:-

16 / 25

In INDIA first  TV station  was  set up  in /_____________-

17 / 25

Breaking  news   means  telling  about an  event  as  it happens :-

18 / 25

Media  text  are   considered as ;-

19 / 25

Waris Mir was a columnist for Daily________:-

20 / 25

The  reaction  of  respondents  to  experimental  situations are identified  as :-

21 / 25

One  of  the barrier  to  persuasive communication is :-

22 / 25

Sir Syed Ahmad khan's Literary magazine was;-

23 / 25

Who among the following  is  a  journalist;-

24 / 25

Zameendar boosted its circulations to over;-

25 / 25

Some  stories  that wrap  similar  events  into  a  single  story is called :-

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